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CIRCO Hub Vietnam
Starting in April 2024, Yunus Environment Hub Vietnam was selected to establish a local CIRCO Hub in Vietnam. This initiative involves coordinating and conducting five CIRCO tracks, from the fourth to the eighth, subsequent to the completion of the T2T programme. The primary goal of the CIRCO Hub is to foster the development and implementation of effective circular business models within existing companies in Vietnam. The specific objectives of the CIRCO Hub in Vietnam include activating and enabling businesses to identify and act on circular business models within their operations. It also aims to provide consultancy and implement training for local companies on circular economy (CE) models, building their capacities on these models. Additionally, the hub will offer mentoring to enterprises in Vietnam to aid in the development of their circular business models.

EHS Training Program for the Informal Waste Sector
The EHS Training Program for the Informal Waste Sector, promoted by PREVENT Waste Alliance, with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is implemented on the same plastic waste value chain of the ValuCred Pilot Testing from January to September 2022. The aim of this program is to strengthen the local informal waste sector through investments in infrastructure and capacity development. The EHS training program includes four training sessions focusing on Health & Safety and Environmental Impact from waste operations at the workplace with tailored content co-designed by an EHS professional and Yunus Environment Hub Vietnam.

Consulting & Advisory
Yunus Environment Hub and ALBA Group Asia Limited collaborated on the RECOVER project from 2021-2023 to optimize the plastic waste collection system in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The project engaged over 1,000 waste workers and 50 SMEs, providing training, equipment, and market linkages. It established a pilot supply chain network connecting suppliers and recyclers and introduced a digital app to promote digitisation of the plastic value chain. RECOVER laid the foundation for a sustainable collection system supporting Extended Producer Responsibility and a circular economy. The public-private partnership, co-financed by DEG and ALBA Group, aims to improve the recycling industry and transform the lives of waste collectors in Vietnam.

Consulting & Advisory
ValuCred is a consortium led by Yunus Environment Hub, Nehlsen AG and Rodiek, and BlackForest Solutions, for the design and financing of sustainable plastic waste management systems.
The ValuCred project is one of the first promoted by PREVENT Waste Alliance with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Röchling Stiftung for the development of an international Standard Process Model (SPM) that aligns and connects interdependent stakeholders in the ‘Plastic Credits’ market.
Bringing radical transparency into the generation and valorization of Plastic Credits, ValuCred empowers informal waste workers in low-income countries whilst striving for zero plastic leakage into the environment.

Consulting & Advisory
Zero Plastic Waste Cities
Targeting the issue of global plastic waste leakage, Yunus Environment Hub has developed a modular social business approach. Through the development of local social businesses, municipal waste management systems in developing countries highly affected by plastic waste leakage are strengthened. Run by teams of local entrepreneurs and staff, all social businesses founded during the course of the program increase the amount of locally collected and recycled plastic waste while providing income opportunities to informal waste pickers and improving local livelihoods.

BIA for Mountains and Islands
Yunus Environment Hub Vietnam provided coaching services for the “Business Incubator and Accelerator (BIA) for Mountains and Islands” program for Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) that is implemented in 10 countries globally: Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Fiji, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Peru, the Philippines, and Uganda. Through the provision of funds by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), together with the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP), technical assistance and capacity development, this program aims to increase mountain and island communities’ resilience by supporting 110 innovative entrepreneurs in agricultural and textile value chains.
As part of the program, Yunus Environment Hub Vietnam worked with participants in preparing funding proposals and identifying specific technical assistance needs. Additionally, we collected baseline data on social, economic, and environmental indicators related to the participants’ organisations.